The United States has reached an agreement with the Taliban and will move towards a long-term ceasefire if the requirements to reduce violence are met in the next seven days. The State Department confirmed the news aboard Secretary Pompeo's flight to Oman on Friday afternoon.

"The United States and the Taliban participated in extensive talks to facilitate a political agreement to end the war in Afghanistan, reduce the presence of the United States and allied forces, and ensure that no terrorist group uses Afghan soil to threaten the United States or our allies," the State Department said in a statement.

The clock for the seven-day violence reduction period (RIV) will begin on Friday night, Afghanistan time. If the threshold for reducing violence is reached, the United States and the Taliban will move forward with a broader and more permanent agreement. The U.S. army will oversee the period. The Taliban have agreed on very specific conditions, and the RIV, which requires the removal of roadside bombs, suicide bombs, missile attacks and more, also applies to Afghans.

"In recent weeks, in consultation with the Government of National Unity, U.S. negotiators in Doha have reached an agreement with the Taliban for their owner of a significant and national reduction in violence throughout Afghanistan.
Following the proper implementation of this understanding, the signing of the agreement between the United States and the Taliban is expected to progress. We are preparing for the signing to take place on 29 February," the statement continues.
"Intra-Afghan negotiations will begin soon after, and will be based on this fundamental step towards achieving a comprehensive and permeating ceasefire and the future political roadmap for Afghanistan The only way to achieve peace sustainable in Afghanistan is for the Afghans so that they can meet and agree on the way forward.
According to a senior State Department official, the company will take place in Doha.

According to a senior Trump administration official, while the United States hopes the RIV period will be successful, they are prepared for external and external actors who could attempt to derail the process.  ""Challenges remain, but the Doha process provides hope and represents a real opportunity. The United States invites all Afghans to seize this moment.
The United States thanks the state of Qatar and all other allies and partners for their support for peace in Afghanistan."  After the successful deliveries by the Taliban and the Afghans, the United States will implement the end of the agreement. This includes a significant reduction in U.S. troops in the country. The phasing out of U.S. troops will occur in stages.

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