We discover or rediscover a fruit or vegetable in season, to remind you that it is necessary for your health, consume fruits and vegetables regularly. In this article it will be orange.

Orange is, as its name suggests, orange. It has a thick, medium rough skin and cut into quarters. Orange belongs to the family of citrus, such as lemon, bergamot and plamplemousse. Orange is a juicy fruit, sweet, exciting and it contains vitamin C. This fruit is used for fruit salads, jams, or to consume the juice.

Discovered there are more than 4,000 years in China, the orange was best known at the time of Portuguese discoveries in the name of sweet orange (Citrus sinensis). Until the first half of the twentieth century, the orange was a luxury fruit and often considered a precious gift to the children for Christmas.

Nutritional qualities
Its richness in vitamin C, a medium orange a day will provide the body with the recommended daily intake of this vitamin.

It thus constitutes a valuable aid in the fight against aggression and fatigue. It provides, in addition, various amounts of valuable minerals (particularly calcium, easily used by the body, potassium and magnesium), as well as fibers well tolerated. Another advantage is low in calories (45 kcal per 100 g) and can satisfy some dietary regimes.
How to choose
If the orange should be very firm, its color, its coarseness and thickness of the epidermis varies depending on the variety (the color is not a guarantee of flavor).

A green orange may be ripe. (the green pigments of the skin from becoming orange or red at the touch of cold). Of course, also choose oranges depending on their use as fruit or fruit juice mouth.

Well preserve
Oranges keep well at room temperature. Conservation can be improved by putting them in the crisper of the refrigerator, without risk of dehydration.

The fresh orange juice makes a delicious eaten fresh but orange is also consumed in "orange table" full flood. It is used in making fruit salads, pastries (neighborhoods, juice or zest), in savory dishes as well as syrup, jams, jellies. It is also used in making many sweets (candied fruits, chocolates, candies).
Bitter orange or citron offer berries, fibrous and bitter; it is not consumed raw. It is used for making jams and liqueurs (marmalade is also famous), cooking, pastry and confectionery. The flowers and leaves of the orange are used in perfumery and medicines.
Benefits of orange juice!
The orange juice contains substantially all of the nutrients of the fruit, including the soluble fraction pectins (only the insoluble fiber are removed). In particular, it provides its sugars, its minerals, vitamins ... and calories.
The fresh orange juice is also rich in vitamin C than oranges itself. But the vitamin content falls rapidly due to the oxidative action of air. That is why the orange juice should be consumed immediately, if you wish to benefit from all its vitamin potential.

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