Mostly housewives ought to keep in mind before creating their ramdan recipes diary that every one dishes ought to be healthy and energetic instead of simply pack of high calorie deep deep-fried disaster. Ramadan isn't simply the month of feeding food; everybody ought to keep in mind its basic motive.

So if you'll eat healthy food, you'll be enough active to perform Islamic activities to praise Supreme Being and to complete quick with its true soul. i'm sharing the simplest iftar menu for this Ramadan that you'll for certain prefer to add in iftar menu.

Vegetable Pakoray:

This is a fast and healthy iftar time direction that is usually a favorite item within the menu. For the vegetable pakoras 1st you have got to create batter so prepare vegetables. kids World Health Organization don’t like feeding vegetables, they're going to additionally like to eat them.


1 cup basin, 1 tsp. cumin seeds, 1 tsp. salt (or to taste), 2-3 inexperienced chilis (chopped), one potato (sliced into long skinny strips), one onion (medium), ¼ cup peas, ¼ tsp. oregano seeds, 1 tsp. coriander seeds,1/2 tsp. crushed red chili flakes, ¼ cup mint leaves, ¼ tsp hydrogen carbonate.


Take an enormous bowl and blend basin, cumin seeds, salt, oregano seeds, coriander seeds, red chili flakes and hydrogen carbonate. Add some water and whisk it till it becomes swish thick mixture. Leave it for regarding associate degree hour to induce downy.

Now add all vegetables within the mixture and fold them well.

Pour thereforeme oil in deep frypan and warmth it (not so low and not high). Take a medium spoon choked with higher and pour it within the oil. place vi to seven little balls of mixtures.

Fry the pakora balls till they flip golden brown. Take them out on a tissue which will absorb excess oil.
Serve it with mint, turmeric and garlic Indian relish. kids can like to eat them with ketchup.

Tip: you'll be able to add your favorite vegetables in it like cauliflower, spinach or will add seasonal vegetables too.

Fruit Chaat:

Different types of chats could be a should item on a iftar table however the combo fruit chat is everyone’s all time favorite. it's choked with vitamins, minerals and provides instant contemporary feeling. it's a healthy item that regulates our metabolism too.


1 huge sized mango (small cubes), ¼ little bare-assed pineapple (small cubes),1/4 little bare-assed watermelon (small cubes), two medium pears, two medium apples, two medium chikko, two medium apricot, ¼ cup strawberries (small cubes), 1 tsp. cumin seeds, black salt (to taste), two inexperienced chilies ( shredded while not seeds), 2 tbsp. contemporary coriander leaves (chopped), 2 tbsp. contemporary mint leaves (chopped), 1 tbsp. juice, chat masala (to taste)


Take an enormous bowl and place all the cut fruits in it.

Roast cumin seeds nicely and grind those seeds coarsely with black salt during a mortar with a pestle. Sprinkle this powder into a bowl choked with fruits.

Grind inexperienced chilies, coriander leaves and mint leaves within the mortar with a pestle and add them into a bowl.

Pour juice in it and add chat masala too. combine or toss all the ingredients with fruits well. Keep it cool in icebox and serve it sometimes of iftar.

Mango Lassi:

This is a sweet Indo-Pak vogue, smoothie-like drink could be a mix of contemporary mango, tasty plain dairy product, and milk. it's an immediate healthy drink to hydrate you. it's choked with atomic number 20 and mango could be a nice supply of A, B6, minerals and atomic number 19.


Fresh mango, sugar (to taste), low-cal plain dairy product, milk, shredded pistachios and cardamom (optional)


Put all the ingredients (except pistachios and cardamom) together with ice cubes during a liquidizer and mix it well.

Pour mango lassi in glasses and sprinkle some pistachios and cardamom and serve it straightaway to stay its style contemporary.

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